WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it is a go-to platform for staying in touch with family and friends. In recent years, WhatsApp has been expanding its features to offer more than just messaging. One of the most significant additions to the app was the introduction of video calling. Now, WhatsApp has taken it a step further by adding Picture-in-Picture (PiP) support for video calls.

PiP support for WhatsApp video calls was added back in 2018. This feature allows users to continue their video call while using other apps on their phone. It’s a convenient way to multitask without ending the call. The feature is available on both Android and iOS devices.

Using PiP during a WhatsApp video call is simple. Once you’ve started a video call, you can tap the home button on your phone to leave the app. The video call will shrink down into a smaller window that you can move around the screen. You can open other apps, respond to messages, or browse the web while still being able to see and hear the person you’re calling. To go back to the full-screen video call, you can tap on the PiP window.

PiP support for WhatsApp video calls is particularly useful for people who need to stay connected while also getting work done. For example, if you’re on a work call and need to reference an email or document, you can do so without ending the call. Additionally, if you need to take a note or send a quick message to someone, you can do it without interrupting the call.

To use PiP during a WhatsApp video call, make sure you have the latest version of the app installed on your phone. The feature is available for all users, but it’s always a good idea to check for updates to ensure that you have the most up-to-date version of the app.

In conclusion, PiP support for WhatsApp video calls is a great addition to the app. It allows users to stay connected while also being productive. The feature is easy to use and works on both Android and iOS devices. With WhatsApp’s continued commitment to improving its platform, it’s likely we’ll see even more innovative features in the future.